Coming up on the Summer Solstice and the blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and many of Mother Nature's other incredible gifts are ready - or almost ready - to consume. Ever since I was small, I was taught to grow a lot of my own food. I didn't question it much when I was little, it was just a chore that had to be done. All of my relatives were farmers. But, now that I'm older, I'm not a professional farmer, but I have learned from experience that there is nothing else you can do to get closer to the Earth spiritually - except maybe dying - than growing your own food.
Musically, I don't get as much else done during this time, since there is a lot to do outdoors in the garden. But the magickal energy in the soil is pure and true and very inspirational for art. I've always felt that the Earth itself is extremely cosmic and alive. Getting your fingers in the soil is just something you should do for your own health.

Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download


When Bitter Spring Sleeps - Star-Thrown - cover artwork

The cover-artwork majick for STAR-THROWN was conjured by Misty Visions Art. I learned of this artist from the layout and design of the incredible  Wędrujący Wiatr - Tam, Gdzie Miesiąc Opłakuje Swit CD. The artwork of this act is completely conjoined with the atmosphere of the recordings. Pure murky, dreamy, nature-consumed darkness and warmth. I also loved the artist's work on the album Stworz - Zagony Bogow CD, and Fall - Samozatracenie CD. 

Please check out this fantastic artist's previous works at: and

Why did I choose to use a different artist after all these years of illustrating my own covers? Well, I had various concepts for STAR-THROWN and none of them was I able to conjure with my limited artistic capacity. I consider myself a pen-and-paper artist. I like the look and feel of a multitude of lines and shades that appear overly busy at a distance, that only reveals the details upon close examination. I really like the look of hand-drawn album covers like those of early 80's thrash albums, and 90's black metal albums. 

However, I decided my limited style just wouldn't work for the current recording and atmosphere I desire. I wanted something otherworldly, but worldly. Something that links the Earth with the Cosmos, and flesh with soul. I see in Misty Visions Art, with the  the natural and organic link between the material and immaterial and the embrace of warmth in darkness and obscurity. 

When Bitter Spring Sleeps - Star-Thrown Digipack

Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download


Mastering of STAR-THROWN is being performed by the almighty Andrew D'Cagna, owner/engineer at Sacred Sound Recording and Mastering as well as member of such amazing acts as OBSEQUIAE, NECHOCHWEN, IRONFLAME, and COLDFELLS.

Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.


Mixing of all the songs on STAR-THROWN is complete. I am very pleased with the sound of the album. I believe it is the best sounding album I've done. You will not be destroyed by the crushing intensity of it, because that was not the intention at all. I strived to create a smooth, warm atmosphere that was also very powerful and uplifting. There is a bit of sorrow and dreamlike darkness within, but mostly I feel that it portrays a very positive vibration concerning the transmission of our material to other worlds. A celebration of  freeing the spirit from the physical body.

Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.


Left armband I made years ago
Another benefit of home recording, is that there's no hourly rate. I can take as long as I want to really flesh something out, experiment with sounds, without spending a dime. A pro studio is trying to make money, and I can't blame them, they have dumped huge amounts of cash into soundproofing and world-class equipment. So, it tends to be only the really big bands that have money enough to stick around and experiment in the studio. Home recording also allows you to set the mood or be in the mood to record. I leave everything set up all the time, so that I can start recording an idea instantly. Pro studio time has to be scheduled. By the time I get there, set up and start making noise, I may be too tired to care. I may be sick that day, resulting in an off-day recording, preserved forever, me being sick on tape. There's no point in that. You should feel comfortable when recording so that you can capture your best.

And the right...

Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.


Pagan Flames Productions is offering digital versions of previous When Bitter Spring Sleeps albums at many different locations such as:





So, even though I believe there is a HUGE difference between a digital download and a Compact Disc or Vinyl, or Tape release, if you purchase WBSS albums at these digital stores, you are still actually supporting the artist.

Thank you for not downloading illegally!

Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.


Every time I mix an album, I realize I made some kind of mistake during recording. It's amazing, considering I have been recording for so many years. I suppose it's a result of only recording once per year or so, since it takes so long for me to compose songs. The biggest problem I always have is with the guitar sound. I can't for the life of me determine why it sounds perfect when I am recording it, then so different when mixing the album. Especially since I usually have the drums recorded by that time.

It's important to have some skulls around. Reminds you of your mortality.

A mistake I made in the past was to record a complete song, before moving onto the the next song. That always resulted in an inconsistent sound across the whole album. I've finally made the effort to record all of each instrument for each song during the same general time period. That is, I record guitar tracks for all songs before moving on to all Bass tracks for all songs, etc. This seems to work fine, but it takes longer, since I have to keep practicing all the songs in between the recording sessions so I don't forget anything. I also like to record the hardest songs last, so I have more time to practice those while recording the easy songs.

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.


Just to clarify... The digital release by When Bitter Spring Sleeps - SHE WILL NOT MOURN YOUR PASSING is NOT the new album. The new album STAR-THROWN is still coming, of course.

SHE WILL NOT MOURN YOUR PASSING is simply the original demo tracks, plus several of the tracks from the WBSS / PANOPTICON Split CD: She Will Not Mourn Your Passing

I created this new version so I could release these tracks on Itunes, Amazon, etc, This version of the demo lacks the cover song written by ARROWWOOD entitled ALL THINGS RISE, because Itunes required some astronomical fee to post a cover song.

Anyway, please listen to WBSS' version of the incredible song "All Things Rise"


Please support and buy When Bitter Spring Sleeps - STAR-THROWN album at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.