Coming up on the Summer Solstice and the blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and many of Mother Nature's other incredible gifts are ready - or almost ready - to consume. Ever since I was small, I was taught to grow a lot of my own food. I didn't question it much when I was little, it was just a chore that had to be done. All of my relatives were farmers. But, now that I'm older, I'm not a professional farmer, but I have learned from experience that there is nothing else you can do to get closer to the Earth spiritually - except maybe dying - than growing your own food.
Musically, I don't get as much else done during this time, since there is a lot to do outdoors in the garden. But the magickal energy in the soil is pure and true and very inspirational for art. I've always felt that the Earth itself is extremely cosmic and alive. Getting your fingers in the soil is just something you should do for your own health.
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