Stellar Ancestry

Stellar Ancestry, a track from the previous When Bitter Spring Sleeps album "Dungeon Metal" touches on a topic that I have always been very fond of: astral travel. 

I've explored the concept of astral travel through my art a few times. From Spectral Aeons in the 90's and more recently, through the music of Nebuleth, my new synth project

I'm not talking sitting cross-legged and closing your eyes and repeating your mantra until your mind leaves your body. I'm talking about truly leaving your body forever. 

Some folks believe in heaven or hell or some sort of afterlife. But my beliefs are more akin to something link reincarnation. I don't think that I'll get to return as a higher or lower lifeform, but I suppose that is far more probable than sprouting wings and playing harp in the clouds. You see, I have a rather scientific slant on my beliefs that tells me that yes it is possible when I die, that eventually some part of me will end up inside another living thing. I may be a rock or water or tree for awhile before I get the chance to be a conscious being again. And maybe it will be a very very long time before my spirit can again view the world through self aware senses. Maybe it will be so long, that this planet called Earth will have been swallowed up by our bloated and dying sun. Maybe everything that was once called Earth will be reduced to atoms and end up as nuclear fuel for that sun. 

Our sun will die, too eventually, sending an explosion of matter into the galaxy. There we'll be drifting in space for another very very long time. But, it is always possible that those atoms will once again become something that eventually knows that it is alive. That something will probably be a very tiny part of me. And that something will probably not be human.

The guitars influenced by Mournful Congregation. Light one up and kick back under the black lights. Allow your mind drift onto the stellar winds.

Stellar Ancestry -

 I want of no mercy
or to be a sacrifice
I offer no allegiance
to the seasons of life

I search the starry heavens
betwixt the stellar winds
I wander in the vapours 

beyond time and memory
I sail this cosmic ocean
black waves surrounding me
 Soundless and shapeless

We flounder through the aeons
Voyagers of light our destination blind
 Borne along the night winds
and through star-speckled realms
we gather in abysses of sleep

Through trance-like moments
in times that never pass
Our sparks swim aimlessly

Through phosphorescent storms
Sail for tomorrow's dream
Reborn in shape and majesty