Thanks for those that deserve it

Before I continue ranting about how I did this and that on Transmigration, I want to make sure everyone who helped is properly thanked. Thank YOU for reading this and for your support! I know your time is valuable, so I want you to know I appreciate every second of your time that I get for my art. 

First, I dedicate the new "When Bitter Spring Sleeps" album "Transmigration" entirely to my amazing father in law, GEORGE SYTSMA, who died recently from a long war against cancer. He was the sweetest dude on Earth and always asked me about my music. He would do anything for anyone and always had time to help. We joked that you should never tell George you liked something because he would give you a dozen of them next time you saw him. And for gawd's sake, NEVER say you liked his shirt, because he would take it off and hand it to you. Heck, he even built the shelves that hold all of Pagan Flames Productions inventory! George, you will be greatly missed and may you forever reign in the eternal Hall of Kings.

George Sytsma - greatest dude ever

The audio mastering on TRANSMIGRATION and the DUNGEON METAL EP was performed by the amazing Jori Apedaile, owner/engineer at Black Lodge Studios as well as member of the awe-inspiring beautiful metal act ENEFERENS. Jori had to master DUNGEON METAL twice since I put it on tape once then asked him to use his great audio skills by making DUNGEON METAL sound similar to the TRANSMIGRATION songs I recorded quite awhile later to put on CD. He is also an incredible musician with top-notch songwriting skills to boot, and somehow can still bring out all the instruments of my awful mixes.

The insidious black metal screams on new WBSS song "Tachyon Spell" were performed by Syntax A, who many may know as lead vocalist / drummer from Satan's Almighty Penis and ruler of the youtube underground metal realm as Brainsmasher. Check out his channel where he spends way too much time - but still not enough - talking about underground metal albums that need your immediate attention. 

The samples that I used with permission on WBSS song "Descent" were created by the incredible dungeon synth master ERANG. He was making dungeon synth while the Balrog was still a twinkle in the mailman's eye. If you are interested in checking out Dungeon Synth in general, start right here, because his work is immense and absolutely essential.

The incredible new WBSS logo art was created by Moonroot Art. If you listen to any metal in the last several years, you've probably seen one of his fine logo artworks. Seriously, this gentleman is the new Christophe Szpajdel. His work is pure intricate beauty and style.

The "Transmigration" cover artwork was created by artist Ze Burnay When I first saw his work, I thought it was one of the old masters since he used a painstaking ink and brush technique that speaks of true dedication and love of the art. He has created a multitude of incredible masterpieces that you need to check out NOW.

The artwork for the "Dungeon Metal" EP (which is also presented on the new CD) was created by Hellish Maggot. He has a strikingly original / creepy / murky style that blew me away by it's utter metal godliness. His designs are pure gold that also make some killer shirts. Hit him up for your metal artwork needs!

The Transmigration CD digipack layout was made by the fine gentleman at StndGraphics who has done many layouts for me in the past. His work is impeccable and flawless. 

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.

Get "When Bitter Spring Sleeps" official merchandise.

Thanks for reading!

- Lord Sardonyx