So, I instead used the song to create an atmosphere that I'd imagined - A Comic Cathedral. That of the universe as a spiritual place made up of both reality and spirit. I conjured my version of space ambient. I conjured my version of a literal cloister of monks chanting the lyrics. All of this surrounded by Earthly metal, of course. Because I really like metal.
The lyrics will not be in the CD booklet because I wanted this album to be much more obscure and amorphous. So, with this in mind I was able to create many of my own words and experimental phrasing. At one point, I thought to make every song title one long blended word similar to "CosmiCathedraLumination", but that felt a bit silly. So, please feel free to create your own words when hearing the track and experience your own Cosmic Cathedral Illumination.
Please support and buy this recording at these links:
--Digipak CD
--Digital Download
2021 Update:
When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at and Bandcamp.