My original drawings/ paintings for previous albums
 Anyone who's read WHEN BITTER SPRING SLEEPS lyrics, should hopefully know by now that I like to build the songs with a story. On COVEN OF THE WOLVES, I wrote about a vengeful half-wolf sorcerer who bred thousands of wolves to take back the wild lands. Also, about a farmer in a distant future, telling his sons his version of how previous men burned out the world. On SPIRIT IN FLAMES most of songs leaned even more towards the mythical to continue the story of the wolves let loose upon the modern world. Their mother, a wolf-spirit in flames, transforms the modern world into a new vast forest.
Yes, I write it all down lyrically, and musically.
 The concept for STAR-STROWN is much less specific, but all the tracks will share my belief that nature does not end at the Earth's horizon. She is merely a part of the universe and all natural matter was previously part of dying stars. And all of this will someday be destroyed, transformed, and reformed into new matter. When the mighty Earth is consumed by our dying sun, everything will be thrown to the universe on a possible path to rebirth as new lifeforms or merely inanimate matter.
My original drawings for SPIRIT IN FLAMES and the Self-Titled albums

2021 Update:

When Bitter Spring Sleeps "Transmigration" is available now at PaganFlames.com and Bandcamp.