Just a taste of things to come...

The cover-artwork majick for STAR-THROWN is being conjured by Misty Visions Art. I learned of this artist from the layout and design of the incredible  Wędrujący Wiatr - Tam, Gdzie Miesiąc Opłakuje Swit CD. The artwork of this act is completely conjoined with the atmosphere of the recordings. Pure murky, dreamy, nature-consumed darkness and warmth. I also loved the artist's work on the album Stworz - Zagony Bogow CD, and Fall - Samozatracenie CD. 

Please check out this fantastic artist's previous works at: and

Why did I choose to use a different artist after all these years of illustrating my own covers? Well, I had various concepts for STAR-THROWN and none of them was I able to conjure with my limited artistic capacity. I consider myself a pen-and-paper artist. I like the look and feel of a multitude of lines and shades that appear overly busy at a distance, that only reveals the details upon close examination. I really like the look of hand-drawn album covers like those of early 80's thrash albums, and 90's black metal albums. 

However, I decided my limited style just wouldn't work for the current recording and atmosphere I desire. I wanted something otherworldly, but worldly. Something that links the Earth with the Cosmos, and flesh with soul. I see in Misty Visions Art, with the  the natural and organic link between the material and immaterial and the embrace of warmth in darkness and obscurity. 

Artwork will be posted here soon.